Sum Wu
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine (UTS)
Bachelor of Science Majoring in Psychology (UOW)
Specialising in pain management and mental wellbeing through Tradition Chinese medicine in combination with modern science in mental health, dieting and nutrition.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder characterized by abdominal pain or discomfort, and altered bowel habits; for example, chronic or recurrent diarrhoea, constipation, or both – either mixed or in alternation. It has become a major health concern that has significant and lasting impact on people’s social lives as well as mental and physical wellbeing and often lead to severe feeling of embarrassment or reluctance to go outside at the thought of triggering IBS.
腸易激綜合症 (IBS) 是一種以腹痛或不適以及排便習慣改變為特徵的疾病;例如,慢性或反復腹瀉、便秘或兩者兼而有之——混合或交替。它已成為一個主要的健康問題,對人們的社交生活以及身心健康產生重大而持久的影響,並且常常導致人們一想到觸發腸易激綜合症就感到嚴重尷尬或不願外出。
IBS affects 10 – 15% of Australians, and 9 – 23% of the population worldwide. As many as 20 – 50% of patient visits to gastroenterologists are due to IBS symptoms. Most people with IBS are under the age of 45 – 50, and about 2/3 of IBS sufferers are female.
IBS 影響 10 – 15% 的澳大利亞人以及全球 9 – 23% 的人口。多達 20 – 50% 的患者因 IBS 症狀而去看胃腸病專家。大多數IBS患者年齡在45-50歲以下,其中約2/3的IBS患者是女性。
Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition commonly referred to as a functional gastrointestinal disorder (GI). Functional GI disorders happen when your GI tract behaves in an abnormal way without evidence of damage due to a disease. Currently it thought that IBS is a disorder of brain-gut interaction, highlighting the importance of the brain and its relationship with gut function. More women than men are prone to IBS, and symptoms tend to first occur in early adulthood.
腸易激綜合症是一種通常被稱為功能性胃腸道疾病 (GI) 的疾病。當胃腸道表現異常,但沒有證據表明疾病造成損害時,就會發生功能性胃腸道疾病。目前認為IBS是一種腦-腸相互作用的疾病,強調了大腦的重要性及其與腸道功能的關系。女性比男性更容易患腸易激綜合症,而且症狀往往首先出現在成年早期。
There is no one cause for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Each individual will experience symptoms of IBS due to their own unique factors. These factors include changes of routine, emotional stress, infection, psychological distress, abnormal bowel function and diet. Other important factors include neurotransmitters, gut microbiota and intestinal motility.
IBS, like many other health conditions, is frequently associated with anxiety and depression. Overall, people with IBS have a threefold higher risk of anxiety and depression compared to non-sufferers. In one meta-analysis, the prevalence of symptoms of anxiety and depression among people with IBS was 39% and 29%, respectively, and the prevalence of co-occurring anxiety and depressive disorders was 23%.
腸易激綜合症通常與焦慮和抑鬱有關。總體而言,腸易激綜合症患者出現焦慮和抑鬱的風險是非腸易激綜合症患者的三倍。一項匯總分析顯示,IBS 患者焦慮和抑鬱症狀的患病率分別為 39% 和 29%,同時發生的焦慮和抑鬱障礙的患病率為 23%。
Some of the more common signs of irritable bowel syndrome include:
IBS can also be further categorised into 3 main groups
– 腹部疼痛或痙攣,通常可通過放氣或排便來緩解
– 腹瀉和便秘
– 排便後感覺還未完全排空
– 腹脹或腹痛
IBS 還可以進一步分為 3 個主要分類
– 便秘為主
– 腹瀉為主
– 便秘和腹瀉交替出現
While current research is unable to identify the exact cause, there are a few factors that are known to contribute to the conditions and are known as triggers. These factors can vary person to person. Common triggers include:
– 胃腸炎等感染
– 食物不耐受
– 情緒壓力
– 腦腸信號失調
– 有些藥物可能會引發便秘或腹瀉
As mentioned before people that suffer from IBS have higher risks of mental health illness’s such with panic disorder, OCD, PTSD, anxiety and depression. Something that might affect their emotional level or stability may also trigger IBS.
IBS is generally not considered to be genetic but it can run in families and unfortunately there is not cure for it but the symptoms can be managed via various means.
IBS 通常不被認為是遺傳性的,但它可以在家族中遺傳,不幸的是,它無法治愈,但可以通過多種方法控制症狀。
Treatments can include increasing dietary fibres and reducing foods that commonly cause gas. Anti-diarrhoea medication and laxatives. Antispasmodic drugs to reduce cramps. Tricyclic antidepressants may be prescribed in treating pain, bloating and reduce bowel frequency as an off label use. And for psychological causes then cognitive behavioural therapy or other psychological counselling may help reduce symptoms.